Leasing 101: Security Deposits
A security deposit is the landlord’s attempt to mitigate the risk of a tenant that cannot, or will not, honor its lease obligations. A...

Leasing 101: Landlord’s Maintenance Requirements
There are a variety of maintenance and repair items with respect to leased premises and the building or shopping center that need to be...

Leasing 101: Security Deposits
A security deposit is the landlord’s attempt to mitigate the risk of a tenant that cannot, or will not, honor its lease obligations. A...

Leasing 101: Tenant Alteration Rights
Generally speaking, a tenant should be allowed to have control over the aesthetic design and construction standards of its leased...

Tenant Leasing 101: Negotiating the Best Signage for Your Lease
As part of the lease negotiation process, the tenant should make sure it obtains landlord’s approval for the type and design of signage...

Leasing 101: Exclusive Uses
If having a competitor in the same retail center would be detrimental to the tenant’s business, the tenant could negotiate an exclusive...

Leasing 101: Utilities, Trash and Interruptions
Utilities, trash, and utility interruptions are three relatively straightforward topics, but they are important to understand because of...

Leasing 101: Landlord’s Maintenance Requirements
There are a variety of maintenance and repair items with respect to leased premises and the building or shopping center that need to be...

Leasing 101: Tenant Alteration Rights
Generally speaking, a tenant should be allowed to have control over the aesthetic design and construction standards of its leased...

Leasing 101: Proper Delivery of the Premises
It normally is critical for a tenant to have new premises delivered by a landlord on time. The tenant has to open for business as...